Mail list and Open issues
If you want to be in contact with other GPyOpt users join the mail list or simply write an issue in the GitHub repository.
GPyOpt as a tool for science dissemination
We are very proud of using GPyOpt not only for research but also to create a community of people interested in Bayesian optimization and related techniques. We use GPyOpt in summer schools to facilitating the understanding of Bayesian optimization.
*Gaussian process summer school (organized by Neil Lawrence, Javier Gonzalez and the SheffieldML group in Sheffield in September 2015. GPy and GPyOpt was used for the hands-on labs!

*Course in Bayesian Optimization based on GPyOpt delivered on October 27-30th, 2015 at the University of Pereira Colombia (organized by Javier Gonzalez and Mauricio Alvarez).